for Developers

PalWeb is now open source! Check out the public repository on GitHub!

PalWeb is built on Laravel & primarily uses the Blade templating engine to render views, but I will probably have to increasingly make use of Vue to achieve the interactivity necessary to build the next stages of the project. If you're a developer with knowledge of Javascript & PHP, especially in the use of the Vue & Laravel frameworks, please get in touch ([email protected]) if you'd like to contribute to the project. You can get started right away by cloning the public repository on GitHub.

Another thing I haven't investigated too much but will probably need help with is the porting of the RecordWizard MediaWiki extension, created for Lingua Libre, the site through which audio recordings are currently produced. Apparently it's mostly Javascript, so I don't see why it couldn't be adapted to a non-MediaWiki site.

Anyway, here's what's on the horizon for PalWeb in the near future:

  • the Flashcard Portal, which would allow users to study their Decks as interactive flashcards.
  • the Activities within the PalWeb Academy
  • User Progress tracking
  • RecordWizard Port

for Palestinian Arabic Speakers

I'm primarily looking for people who would be willing to volunteer to record audio samples of terms & sentences for the Dictionary, so please get in touch ([email protected]) if that sounds like you.

Everyone Else

Even if you're not a developer or an Arabic speaker, there's plenty you can do to contribute to the project. Just by using the site, you help to build it! Building Decks for yourself & others to use & Requesting Terms that you notice are missing from the Dictionary are two practical ways to contribute. Most importantly, though, don't forget to spread the word!